Our Foundation collects used clothes, footwear, etc., throughout the Netherlands. The collection takes place in several municipalities, which have issued a clothing collection licence to our Foundation. When a collection is going to be held in a municipality, one week prior to this collection, a door-to-door delivery of oversize bags of our Foundation takes place. In this way people can fill the bags with clothes, curtains, bedding, footwear and other textiles and keep them ready for the purpose of being collected on a set date. We also issue a press report of the coming collection in the regional, local and cable newspapers.

The collection of the full bags is done as efficiently as possible as our Foundation has professional staff and equipment to guarantee this.

The proceeds of the sale of the collected clothes, footwear, etc. are submitted to the Diabetes Fonds Nederland (Diabetes Fund, The Netherlands) for research purposes. For information about the sale, please contact us.

Tel. +31105120554
E-mail: info@stichting-kovamo.nl

oversize clothes bags

oversize clothes bags